
The following are podcasts, online courses, and downloads focusing on Mindfulness, Anxiety, Motherhood, Women’s Wellness, Psychology, Parenting, and Child Development

The following are podcasts, online courses, and downloads focusing on Mindfulness, Anxiety, Motherhood, Women’s Wellness, Relationships, Psychology, Parenting, and Child Development


Sounds - True Insights at the Edge

“Spiritual Teachings, where Tami Simon, Founder and Publisher of Sounds True interviews spiritual teachers, visionary writers, and living luminaries about their newest work and current challenges—the growing edge of their inner inquiry and outer contribution to the world.”



Tara Brach

“Tara Brach, Ph.D is an internationally known meditation teacher and author of bestselling Radical Acceptance and True Refuge. Tara shares a weekly guided meditation and talk that blend Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices. The podcast addresses the value of mindfulness meditation and self-compassion in relieving emotional suffering, serving spiritual awakening and bringing healing to our world.”


Britta Bushness - Transformed

“We all experience life-changing events, but rarely do we talk about the places that profoundly change us and help us become who we are today. On this podcast, childbirth and relationship specialist and newly published author Dr. Britta Bushnell pulls back the curtain shrouding life-altering events to take a deep look into the growing and expanding experiences of life that often open us up to who we must become. Subscribe to listen to the conversations Britta and her guests share about these profound threshold moments.”


Hidden Brain

“Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.”


Modern Love

“Modern Love features top actors performing true stories of love, loss, and redemption. It has included performances by Kate Winslet, Uma Thurman, Angela Bassett, Jake Gyllenhaal, Sterling K. Brown, and more. A collaboration between WBUR and The New York Times.”


Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel 

“Listen to the incomparable therapist Esther Perel counsel real couples as they reveal the most intimate, personal, and complicated details of the conflicts that have brought them to her door. This season, she takes on open marriage, racism inside an extended family, coming out in a religious home, and chronic infidelity, among other delicate dynamics. Esther creates a space for us to hear our own lives and struggles articulated in the stories of others. So....where should we begin?”


Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury Unruffled

“Each episode addresses a reader's parenting issue through the lens of Janet's respectful parenting philosophy.Janet is a respected parenting adviser, author, and consultant whose website (JanetLansbury.com) is visited by millions of readers annually. Her work informs, inspires, and supports caregivers of infants and toddlers across the globe, helping to create relationships of respect, trust, and love. Her best-selling books “No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline without Shame” and "Elevating Child Care: A Guide to Respectful Parenting" are available in all formats at Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, and free at Audible (https://adbl.co/2OBVztZ) with a trial subscription. Episodes of "Sessions," a collection of intimate recorded phone consultations with parents, are available exclusively at SessionsAudio.com. Recommended Best Parenting Podcast by "The Washington Post," The Bump, Fatherly, "Early Childhood Education Zone," and many, many more.”


Mom and Mind

“Posptartum Depression is real. And it's only part of the story. We dig in to ALL of the stuff that no tells you about, but you NEED to know. Dr. Kat, Psychologist and specialist in perinatal mental health, interviews moms, dads, experts and advocates about how to cope, manage and recover from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. We talk about postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety and SO MUCH MORE! We get real. We get honest. We put on our stigma crushing boots and address the realities of the transition to motherhood and parenthood. Learn about it before you find out about it the hard way! You don't have to suffer! www.momandmind.com”


The Motherhood Sessions

“Being a mom is hard—everybody knows that. But usually we only hear about sleepless nights and diaper changes, not the profound identity shift that accompanies becoming a mother. Motherhood is a psychological big bang. And yet it’s rare to find emotionally honest conversations about it. On Gimlet Media’s Motherhood Sessions, Dr. Alexandra Sacks, a renowned reproductive psychiatrist, sits down with mothers and lets us listen in on conversations that are hard to have outside of a therapist’s office. Each episode features a woman struggling with some problem or question—from career uncertainty to sex to ambivalence about even being a mother—and she and Dr. Sacks work it through together.” https://www.alexandrasacksmd.com/

Becoming Mama™: A Pregnancy and Birth Podcast by Motherly

“Becoming Mama™: A Pregnancy and Birth Podcast by Motherly is the essential pregnancy + birth companion podcast to the groundbreaking book, The Motherly Guide to Becoming Mama: Redefining the Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum Journey. Motherly is a modern lifestyle brand redefining motherhood—The Motherly Guide to Becoming Mama is the evidence-based, women center book you have been waiting for. Join Diana Spalding, Motherly’s Digital Education Editor and certified nurse-midwife each week of your pregnancy (and beyond) as she shares insight, support, and non-judgmental guidance about the things that matter most to you. Please remember that Motherly provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only. This podcast does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.”


Soul Mamas

“In a world where so many women have shed past notions of what being a mom looks like, who can listeners turn to for real talk on soulful motherhood? Through this weekly podcast, host, Nicole De Leon, a long-time surfer, teacher, yoga instructor, adventurer and now new mother, seeks to candidly talk about the realities of modern motherhood, especially as it affects the pursuit of one’s own interests while remaining a soulful parent. In this podcast, guest moms will share inspiring stories of how they persisted in living out their truest passions and purpose in spite of – and often as a result of – adversity and struggle. Nicole’s hope is that through this podcast mothers will be encouraged to believe in their dreams and prioritize joyful lives in order to teach their children to do the same.”


Highest Self

“Author and Wellness Personality Sahara Rose @IAmSaharaRose is the fresh young voice for the modern spiritual movement, called "a leading voice in the millennial generation into the new paradigm shift" by Deepak Chopra. In her podcast, she shares how you can tune into your unique gifts, find your purpose, live in your Dharma and blossom into your highest self. From understanding your mission on this planet to sharing it with the world, this podcast is the spiritual friend you wish you had, who lifts you up and gets you on all levels. Namaste and welcome. Discover your mind-body type on Sahara's unique Dosha quiz at www.iamsahararose.com and join Rose Gold Goddesses at www.rosegoldgoddesses.com. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at @IAmSaharaRose”


Podcasts en Francais:

La Matrescence

“La Matrescence c'est le podcast qui parcoure la vie des parents ou futurs parents pour leur donner des outils, des clés grâce à des interviews de professionnels & des témoignages de parents.La Matrescence est la contraction du mot maternité et adolescence pour expliquer pourquoi tant de changements arrivent au moment de donner naissance à un enfant.Créé par Clémentine Sarlat, journaliste dans le sport à la télé, mais aussi maman, partie du constat que trouver des informations claires et faciles sur ce que vit une femme et par extension un homme lors de la découverte de la parentalité, était plus que fastidieux. Ici, c'est simple, on se laisse bercer au son de la voix des invités/Bonne écoute”
